Samstag, 3. Januar 2015

aGif Changelog

Latest Changes for aGif Watchface

Version 1.4

- A quick fix for smoother animations.

Version 1.3

- You can now change the watchface type to digital, analog, sweeping analog and even no watch at all.
- UI cleaned and added a new button to quickly navigate to the wearable companion app.
- Watchface color can now be customized. More options coming soon!

Version 1.2

- There were several errors when uploading an image. All should now be fixed.

Version 1.1

- The first version contained a small bug. Hope you are now able to add custom watchfaces.

Version 1.0

- 6 included free gif animations
- You can download a gif from an url or load it from your smartphone

Freitag, 2. Januar 2015

aGif Watchface 1.3

Version 1.3 of aGif Watchface has been released!

Using this free app you can easily use any gif animation as an android watchface. If you do not know about this app yet, check this post about adding a gif animation as an android watchface.

New features in 1.3:

- You can now change the watchface type to analog, sweeping analog, digital and even no watchfach (this mode will only display the gif animation).

android watchface gif
Watchface Style selection

- Cleaned the UI and added a button to quickly open the google wearable companion app

android watchface
The new cleaned UI for agif Watchface

- You can customize the watchface color (ticks etc). ATM only one color can be set, but this will be more customizable in the next update
android watchface color
Select the color for your watchface

Examples of analog, digital and none watchface:
android watchface analog
Analog Watchface Style

android digital watchface
Digital Watchface Style

android watchface none
None Watchface Style

More examples of this app can be seen in article gif animations for android wearable,

Montag, 29. Dezember 2014

How to add a gif as an android wearable watchface

Here is a short description on how to add a custom gif as an android watchface.

Things you need:

- aGif Watchface (for free at the play store)
- a cool gif animation (
- probably Gimp to rescale the gif image

1. Find a cool gif animation

Got it? Okay, lets to the next

2. Resize the gif animation

Your wearable is a small device, the gif should be reduced to minimum size. The best is to rescale its resolution to your wearables resolution (mostly 320x280 or 320x320).
This can be easily done with Gimp.

3. Copy the gif animation to your smartphone, dropbox or upload it somewhere.

4. Upload the gif animation to your watch with aGifWatchface.

After you have opened aGifWatchface, make sure that the connection to wearable is established. If you click on "test connection" you should receive a toast with the message "answer received". If not, please wait a little bit until the wearable is connected.

If you have the gif animation on your smartphone or dropbox you can add the file by clicking "open File", select it through your filemanager and send it directly to your device.

android gif watchface
aGif Watchface

If you have uploaded the gif animation somewhere copy the URL to the textfield and click "download". This will download the gif animation and send it to your device.

Your wearable will notify you when the gif animation is received.

android gif watchface
Gif animation received by wearable

 You can click on "set image" to open the aGifWatchface Configuration Activity.

set gif watchface
This opens the aGif Watchface Configs where you can select your animation

All included animations will be on top of the list. Custom added animations will be visible when your scroll down. All custom gifs must end with .gif.
android gif watchface
Included animations on top

gif watchface
Custom animations end with gif

Thats it! My new gif watchface is ready!

gif watchface space
The new cool gif watchface

Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2014

Android gif watchface

android gif watchface
With the new watchface api 5.0 for android wear it is easily to develop new watchfaces. After testing some of the available watchfaces on the android market, I thought to myself that I need a simple analog watchface with some cool gif animations behind it.
That is why I created aGif Watchface for android.

Main Features of this app:

  • Total free!
  • Use any gif animation as a watchface
  • 6 included animations
Using these features you can create your own custom watchface. Check out this article for some examples on how to add different gif animations as a watchface.


Latest articles for aGif Watchface.

Here are some examples for aGif Watchface

With my latest app "aGif Watchface" you can use any gif animation as an android wear watchface!
Due to copyright reasons I could not include all animations I wanted. I only had the chance to add free animations.

But you can add cool gif watchfaces to your app on your own. Check these examples. Only the first animations are included inside the app. You have to search for custom animations with

android watchface tesseract
aGif Watchface Default animation

watchface psychodelic
A psychodelic watchface

watchface pear
A cute blinking pear watchface

matrix watchface
A simple matrix-like watchface

watchface seal
A cute baby seal as a watchface

bling bling watchface
Money counting watchface

total recall watchface
A cool animation from total recall

futurama watchface
Fry is clapping on your watchface

waves watchface
Calm waves as an animated watchface

nyan cat watchface
Nyancat hovers over your watchface

hypotoad watchface
The glory hypnotoad as a watchface

stars watchface
A flight through space as a watchface

Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2014

Fefes Newsreader jetzt mit besserer Android Wear UnterstĂĽtzung

Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich mir eine LG G Watch gekauft. Das Gerät ist an sich ziemlich hässlich, aber android-wearable wollte ich schon immer ausprobieren. Insgesamt muss ich sagen, dass diese smartwatches praktischer sind als ich gedacht hätte!

Aber nun zu Fefes Newsreader fĂĽr Android. Ich habe die Benachrichtigungen ĂĽberarbeitet. Wenn nun mehr als eine neue Nachricht eingetroffen ist, so wird in der Benachrichtigung die Anzahl der News und von jeder Nachricht die Kopfzeile angezeigt.

fefe newsreader
Die neue Benachrichtigung von Fefes Newsreader

Falls ihr auch schon eine neue Android Smartwatch besitzt, so könnt ihr Fefes News nun komplett auf der Uhr lesen! Auf der Smartwatch werden nicht nur die Kopfzeilen der neuen Nachrichten angezeigt, sondern alle Nachrichten. Ein Wisch nach rechts oder links und ihr könnt die nächste Nachricht lesen.

Hier die Screenshots wie das ganze mit einer Benachrichtigung auf meiner LG G Watch aussieht:

fefe smartwatch
Fefe News auf der Smartwatch

fefe smartwatch
Die gleiche Nachricht zum scrollen

fefe smartwatch
Neue Nachrichten von fefe eingetroffen

fefe smartwatch
Ansicht der Nachrichten

fefe smartwatch
Nach unten gescrollte Nachricht

Zusätzlich dazu wurde auch das Verhalten der Alarms im Hintergrund zum Update geändert. Dieses hat sich leider beim API-update etwas geändert. Seit API 19 muss man nun setExact(...) setzen, damit der Alarm vom AlarmManager auch wirklich um diese Uhrzeit ausgefĂĽhrt wird...

Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2014

How to get an invite for the One Plus One

Hey guys.

I just wanted to share a very quick and easy way how to get an invite for the OnePlusOne or OPO. A few weeks ago I thought I would buy the new Nexus Smartphone, but it is too expensive for me ;)

one plus one invite
You will get your invite in the one plus one forum

How to get a OnePlusOne invite in 10 minutes

1. Go to and create an account. You need this anyway to buy one. 
2. Check out the forum. There are several subforums where invites are shared. Do not post an invite request!
3. Press refresh and when a new invite is posted, write a message to this person. 
4. If you are too late for this invite, repeat step 3 :)

I successfully got my invite in less then 10 minutes. Hope this helps! 
German invites are shared at this subforum:

Dienstag, 23. September 2014

Phone Drop Scream App

phone drop scream
Phone Drop Scream for android
Hello Users!

I was inspired by xkcd to create an android app that makes your phone scream when falling or dropping.
After one night of creating a prototype I am now ready to release this cool app for you!

android scream falling
Drop Scream App for android


  • Free for use!
  • Detects when you drop your phone and fires a customizable sound
  • Customizable sensor sensitivity threshold
  • Widget with drop counter
  • Wilhelm Scream
  • Shattering Glas
  • Burp
  • Fart
  • Explosion
  • Nooooo
  • Funny Sheep

phone drop scream
Phone Drop Scream App

The app is only 1.5 mb in size and can be downloaded at the google play store for free!

Used permissions:
This app uses a few permission, but does not collect any personal data or uses aggresive ads.
Inside the app is a small adbanner.
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and INTERNET permissions are used to load ads.
BILLING is used if you plan to remove ads from this app.
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETE is used to init the service when your phone has rebooted
VIBRATE is currently not used :)

phone scream sounds
Phone Drop Scream Sounds

Mittwoch, 17. September 2014

Doppel Update fĂĽr Fefes Newsreader

Falls euer Android Gerät heute kurz nacheinander zwei updates für Fefes Newsreader installiert hat, wundert euch nicht. Ein kleiner Bug hat sich durchgeschummelt und ist erst nach dem release aufgefallen ;)
Zudem gibt es nun hier eine Sammlung aller Fefe Newsreader relevanten Postings.
fefe rss widget
Das neue Android RSS Widget fĂĽr Fefes Blog

Dienstag, 9. September 2014

Ein Widget fĂĽr Fefe Newsreader fĂĽr Android

Update fĂĽr Fefes Newsreader

Die neue Version ist zwar noch nicht im Play Store, weil ich sie noch etwas testen muss, aber heute oder morgen ist es soweit.Es gibt zwei neue Funktionen fĂĽr Fefes Newsreader.
Zum einen ist es nun einfacher zwischen App und Browser zu wechseln. Klickt ihr auf einen Link, öffnet dadurch den Browser und geht danach wieder zur Fefe Newsreader App, so bleibt die Newsliste bei der aktuellen Position stehen an der ihr gleich weiter lesen könnt.

Ein RSS Widget

Eine neue Funktionalität ist das neue Widget für den Newsreader. Mit diesem habt ihr die neusten News von Fefe auf einem Smartphone, ohne die App öffnen zu müssen. Das Widget zeigt euch genau wie die App die letzten Einträge an. Diese könnt ihr scrollen und durch klick auf einen Beitrag diesen direkt in der App öffnen!
fefe newsreader widget
Widget fĂĽr Fefes Newsreader

Ein Widget unter android hinzuzufĂĽgen ist nicht schwer. Dieses Video verdeutlicht euch, wie das geht. Je nach Android Version sieht das Interface allerdings etwas anders aus. Das Video stammt von meiner App Battery Temperature Guard, welche ebenfalls kostenlos im Play Store verfĂĽgbar ist.

Freitag, 29. August 2014

Some uplifting reviews for my apps

So from time to time I login to the play store to read some reviews about my apps Battery Temperature Guard or my Baby Names App. It is fun to read the reviews and get some good feedback. I even get new ideas for features sometimes.

I just wanted to share some reviews which where really uplifting.

Best battery monitor I have tested many battery temp monitor apps but this is the best. The graphs are great and the alerts that are based on a certain temp that you specify will even alert you if your device has been silenced (if you choose). The developer is super response and a pleasure to work with if necessary. Just a great app for what it was intended to do.

A must have By phone gamers like me.... Plays a alarm ( or vibrates ) when your specified overtemp is reached. Now i know when to let it cool down (or not if i want to finish game and use more battery quickly). Very low memory usage too. Can even watch battery cool down in "live view". 

Just what I needed! Simple, low on resourses, showing battery temperature in status bar! Great! 

 La recomiendo.100% BuenĂ­sima app. de temp. del cel. Tu escojĂ©s los parametros de temp. Tiene alarma muy bueno para avisar , y mucho mas. Si le das mucha flama al cel. Esta es tu mejor opciĂłn . Lo mejor , "es gratis". Muchas gracias por tan excelente app.

5 Sterne - absolut verdient, denn jetzt gefällt mir die App zu 100% ! Und wenn WĂĽnsche und Anregungen ernst genommen und umgesetzt werden, lässt man sich noch leichter zu einer positiven Bewertung hinreiĂźen. Echt super ! 

Ez rohadt jĂł! GRAT! Hogy eddig ez senkinek nem jutott eszĂ©be, Ă©s látszik hogy a fejlesztĹ‘ tĂ©nyleg hasznos alkalmazást akart csinálni, nincs hozzáfĂ©rĂ©se az app nek pl mikrofon galĂ©ria fiĂłkok stb mint a többi gyanĂşs gagyi szarnak. Inkább ki adok Ă©rte pĂ©nzt de lássam hogy a fejlesztĹ‘ korrekt Ă©s foglalkozik az általa ki adott termĂ©kkel Ă©pp Ăşgy mint itt! Thanks! 

Does what it says on tin Great app, works with all my devices, helps it keep cool when the devices get hot, also love the high and low temp history reading! Everyone download this app now!!! :) 

Donnerstag, 28. August 2014

Android Name meaning & babynames app

While I am working on an update for Battery Temperature Guard I created an update for my android name meaning app. The app has now a new cool feature. I also created a new android app promotion video for this app. I also fixed some layout bugs on tablet devices.

You can now filter the names by name origin! The promotion video will explain you how you can use this cool feature.

Names can be filtered by name origin:
  • asian
  • arabic
  • catholic
  • hebrew
  • germanic
  • persian
  • scandinavic
  • and greek

android name meaning
Android baby names app

Donnerstag, 14. August 2014

How to create an android promotion video of your app

If you want to market your android app you have to create a cool promotion video for your app. You can link this video in the play store entry. This way more users will be attracted to your app. Creating such a promotion video is quite easy. All you need to have is some time and a few tools I will introduce to you.
I am not a professional promotion video creator, but I have already created a few videos for my app. Here is a small promotion video for my app Battery Temperature Guard for android. And this is a video for the temperature widget of the same app.

Screencast your android app

The first step is to create some screencasts of your android app. This means you have to film what is happening on your screen. The best free tool to do this is SCR Screen Recorder Free. It is a great tool to simply create videos of your app. Check this article how to use SCR and gain root on your device. On the screenshot below you can see the SCR widget. By clicking the orange button, it will disappear and create a video of your screen.
scr in action
The SCR widget is ready

Create your android promotion video

Now you have a bunch of videos you want to merge to a cool promotion video. I would recommend you to use the Microsoft Movie Maker. It is a simple tool to create/cut/annotate videos and images.
To use your screencast video inside the Movie Maker, you have to convert it using Free Video Converter. This tool is free. Add your video to the list and set the settings according to my screenshot below. Hit "convert" to convert the videos and wait a little bit.

converting to movie maker
Converting the screencast videos

Now start the Movie Maker and drop the converted video into the app. It will take some time for Movie Maker to read the video. Here you can see a screenshot of me creating a video on how to configure the widget textsize of my app battery temperature guard.

movie maker android promotion video
Loading the promotion video

You will notice, that the video is rotated and not as you want it to be. To change the rotation of the current selected video, tap on the small icon I have marked on this screenshot.
movie maker rotate video
Fixing the rotated video is simple

Customize your promotion video

Now you can start to edit your video. Add some text annotations, cut the video, slow some parts down, add some music and many many more. When you are done, you can export the video. I prefer full hd quality :)
movie maker export
Exporting the Android Promotion Video

Upload your android promotion video to youtube and add some cool music

Cool music will make your video appear cooler. Inside youtube you can add free music to your video. Click through some songs to find something smooth for your promotion video.

After you uploaded and modified the video, you can add it to your blog like this: